
Related articles

Simple message

Message with buttons

Message with external URL button

Getting user’s personal data

Message with dynamic buttons

Message with catalog view

Getting user geolocation

Sending geolocation

Sending files

Getting files

Getting user photo

Message in card view (Facebook Messenger)

Message with static menu (Facebook Messenger)

Interactive message (WhatsApp)

Template message (WhatsApp)


The bot-message element is used to send messages to the user on behalf of the chatbot.


List of element actions:

  1. the bot message-building designer;

  2. the element parameters settings tab;

  3. the element properties settings block;

    <aside> 💡 Note: To go back to the building designer, click on the [💬] button.


  4. to open a full-screen mode of the bot message-building designer;

  5. to choose the message type;

  6. to choose necessary messengers;

  7. to delete the message block;

  8. to add the message block.

One element can contain several message blocks.


<aside> 📢 Attention: If nothing is displayed in the [Config] tab when opening the elements settings and the error is in the console, it is necessary to check that the data is set correctly in the TsiVarCharStaticFile and TsiVarCharacterConfig data binds.


If the data is set correctly (there is no error in the system configuration), reinstall these data binds or contact a system administrator.

To reinstall the data, execute the next script on DB.

update SysPackageSchemaData set NeedInstall = 1 where Name like 'TsiVar%';


Message types

The sending message element has several types:

Message type Description Telegram Viber Facebook Messenger WhatsApp
Message Setting up a simple text-only message without any additional components.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Simple message. Allows Allows Allows Allows
Buttons Setting up a text message with the menu of static buttons.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Message with buttons. Allows Allows Allows Allows
Menu (FB) Setting up a global bot menu in Facebook Messenger
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Message with static menu (Facebook Messenger). - - Allows -
Card (FB) Setting up information in a card or a catalog view in Facebook Messenger.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Message in card view (Facebook Messenger). - - Allows -
Geolocation Setting up geolocation in a message for sending.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Sending geolocation. Allows Allows Allows Allows
File Setting up a file in a message for sending.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Sending files. Allows Allows Allows Allows
Template message Setting up a message using the pre-prepared message templates in WhatsApp business account.
Note: More information on how it should be set up and how it works can be found in the Template message (WhatsApp). - - - Allows

The sending message element has several features:

Message type Description Telegram Viber Facebook Messenger WhatsApp
Message with external URL button Setting up a message with a button that leads to an external resource. Allows Allows Allows -
Getting user’s personal data Setting up a user's personal data request in the message. Allows Allows Allows With restrictions
Message with dynamic buttons Setting up a text message with the dynamic buttons menu consisting of the Creatio data. Allows Allows Allows Allows
Message with catalog view Setting up a message with a catalog data view. Allows Allows Allows -
Getting user geolocation Setting up a user geolocation request in the message. Allows Allows - With restrictions
Getting files Setting up a file receiving that the user sends in the message. Allows Allows Allows Allows


To go to the element properties, click on the settings [🎚] button.


To go back to the building designer, click on the [💬] button.


In the element properties, you can set up the following items:

Not to expect the response

Hide reply keyboard

Upload profile photo

Directory mode
