An approval route is the defined process for approving a chosen record within your system. It specifies the path a record takes as it moves through different stages of review and approval, ensuring that all necessary checks and balances are maintained. Properly configuring this route ensures that records are reviewed and approved efficiently, maintaining workflow integrity and compliance.

Setting up the approval route involves a few key steps:

  1. Set up Basic Information:
  2. Set up Conditions and Availabale actions:
  3. Set up Stages:

<aside> 🚫 Important: If, after installing this product, the user adds a new object for visas or installs a new application, they might encounter the following error: "An error occurred while working with the database. Please ensure that the database structure is updated (you can do this through the 'Update approvals DB structure' action in the 'Approval route setup' section)."

To fix it follow these steps:

  1. Open the section [Approval route setup].
  2. Click on the button Actions in the top right corner.
  3. Click on the button Update approvals DB structure.



Approval route setup instructions

Route Basic info and Conditions setup

Approval Stages setup

Working with approval route

Going through approval flow