<aside> 💡 Recommendations:

  1. Try not to create provider records unless you really need to. Add only those providers that you will apply to and use immediately.

    Do not create entries ‘for the future’.

    Do not store a provider without the parameters filled in.

  2. If you nevertheless created providers ‘for the future’, correctly connect the existing (required for now) providers in the "Bots" section. In this section, for all active (currently needed) providers, the appropriate processes for processing dialogs should be indicated. Do not create bot records ‘for the future’.

  3. Try to follow the sequence of steps in the instructions when connecting providers 😉 </aside>

To register the chatbot in Creatio, follow the following steps:

  1. Add the [Bot] section to the appropriate workplace. For example, the [Studio] workplace. This step is optional.


  2. Open the [Bot] section and add a new record in the [Bot] section.


  3. Set the chatbot parameters:

  4. Add the new bot settings by clicking on the [Add base settings] button in the [Provider settings] detail. The list of settings is different for each messenger. Fill in these settings:

  5. Specify the business process, which will be the bot handler. To do that, add a new record to the [Handler] detail and specify the following fields:

    <aside> 💡 Note: For the first connection, you can use the preconfigured [BnzSendTestMessage] business process. This process runs every time a user sends a message to the created chatbot. The process responds to it with a preconfigured message.


    Otherwise, you can create your own business process. To do that follow the Create a custom bot handler.


  6. Additionally, you can set up the bot scheduler. More information about this will be found in the Setting up bot schedule.

  7. Set the link to connect with the M3 server. You can use the Banza M3 cloud for free. To do this, use the link - https://m3.banzait.com/api/. In case you use your own M3 server onsite, set the link to connect with one.

    <aside> 💡 Note: It is possible to connect to the Banza M3 cloud for a trial period.



  8. After adding all the necessary bots, run the process ‘Connect to M3’.


    <aside> 💡 Note: Also, you can use the [Connect to M3] business process to apply a connection on the bot page. The page is closed if the connection is successful.


As a result, the Creatio and the M3 server will be connected. You will be able to see the result of the connection in the [Provider status] and [Status comment] fields. If the connection is wrong, you will be able to look at the detailed log information in the [Connection log] tab.

<aside> <img src="/icons/verified_green.svg" alt="/icons/verified_green.svg" width="40px" /> Note: This is an example of a successful connection result in the connection log.

Provider connected.
M3 connecting finished with forceReconnect: False. Result: True



Check the connection quality. Send the text message or click the /start command in the chatbot you created in the Messenger app to receive the response bot message.

<aside> ✅ Note: As a successful result, you receive a response message from the bot according to the configured dialogue tree.


See also

Create a custom bot handler

Setting up bot schedule