To create a new chatbot you need to have an account in Telegram. Than you can follow these steps:

  1. Enter @BotFather in the search field in Telegram.

    Telegram bot @BotFather

    Telegram bot @BotFather

  2. Activate work with this chatbot using the /start command. You can send this command in private messages or click on the [/start] button.


  3. Send /newbot ****command to private messages or click on it in the message menu.


  4. Next, following the bot instructions enter a new chatbot name and username.

    <aside> 📢 Attention: The username must contain a ‘bot’ particle at the end.



  5. In response BotFather sends a token that will be used later as a link to the chat.


  6. Follow the link to a chat. There will be an empty window with the created chat.


  7. After successful bot creation follow this instruction Register chatbot in Creatio.