To create reply button menu message, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new bot-message element.

  2. Add new item, by clicking the [Add message] button.

  3. Choose the [Buttons] type of message.

  4. Select the [Telegram].

  5. Write the text of the message to the input field.

  6. Create new button, by clicking the [+] button.

  7. Write the name of the menu item.

  8. Open button properties, by clicking the [Settings] button:


  9. Choose the [Reply] type of button.


After you completed the settings, as a result, we got next reply button menu view:

It is displayed in the form of separate actions. For a mobile device instead of a keyboard.

A typical example of the messenger Reply menu:


There is the [Big buttons] feature available for this menu type. The buttons can have a fixed height or can increase to fill the whole height of the area.


<aside> 💡 Note: All buttons are 1 line high and the same width within a line.
