<aside> 📢 Important: In the Files Extended extension, the [Attachment and Notes] object has been expanded for basic objects that are available in all configurations:

If you have a base section that is not listed above in your version of the Creatio application, you need to create a replacement object for its [Attachment and Notes] object in the configuration. Otherwise, errors will occur when working in this section.

Or after installing the extension, necessarily run the [Generate source code] action and, after that, run the [Update database structure] action for every schema of the [Files and Links] object of the base sections.


Online document editing is performed using OneDrive. For this to work correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Switch the Creatio application website to HTTPS.

  2. Register and set up the Creatio application at Microsoft Azure.

    <aside> 💡 Note: Microsoft may modify the rules for registering a new application. Pay attention to the registration rules while setting up.


Getting Creatio application URL

To get the correct URL of the Creatio application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the [Studio] workplace → [Web services] section.


  2. Open the service record named [Microsoft Graph].

    <aside> 💡 Note: An informational message is displayed when the entry is opened.



  3. Go to the [Authentication] tab and press the button. The application authorization page will be opened in a new window.


  4. Copy the URL of the Creatio application.


<aside> 📢 Important: If you use a Microsoft 365 account, you need to update the following fields:

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Registering Creatio application in Microsoft Azure

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure App registrations page and click the [New registration] button.


  2. Fill in the fields in the register an application form according to the table below. Click the [Register] button.


  3. Go to [API permissions] tab.