Logging in Creatio provides a structured way to track changes across different levels of an object’s data. For efficient monitoring and historical tracking, you can set up logging for:

Business Purpose: Implementing these logging mechanisms helps organizations maintain a comprehensive and accurate record of changes, which supports data integrity, facilitates audits, and enhances transparency in data management.

Create the Logging Rule

Establish a rule for logging changes in object columns by defining the parameters and setting up initial configurations.

  1. Navigate to the Workplaces.
  2. Go to the [Change log] section
  3. Click the [+New] button to create a new logging entry.


<aside> 💡 Note: access to this section is controlled by the [Access to Setting Up the Changes History] (CanManageTsiChangeLog) system operation.


  1. Fill in the fields:

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Set up the Main Columns for Logging

After you have created a logging changes record with a new logging columns set and filled in the main information, you can set up the object fields.

To add the main columns for logging follow next steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workplaces.
  2. Go to the [Change log] section