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How to use the Custom pop-up messages

Learning resources to get you started using the custom pop-up messages from Banza, for administrators and end-users. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

🔖 Extension setups

Displaying a user message using the module is possible when the user opens the page, when the user saves a record without blocking the creation of a record, and with securing the creation of a record.

Setting up a user message is configured in the "Message settings" section. To set up a user message, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the [System designer] and open the [Lookups] link.

  2. Select the [User message] lookup in the list.

  3. Click the [New] button or open an existing message settings record.

  4. As a result, a user message setting page will be opened.

  5. Fill in the fields on a user message setting page:

    [Conditions] tab:

As a result of the settings made, the system will display the User message.

The system displays only one message for each event by one rule.

If several rules for message display are configured, the priority message is the one that blocks the saving of the record.