To send notifications to the Telegram group or channel you need to create a publishing bot, specify a distribution channel, and add the bot to the channel as a member.

Set up the Telegram bot

If you need to receive a Telegram notification, select [Notification channel] - [Messenger notification] on the [Channel] tab.


The following fields will then appear on the page:


<aside> ⚠️ Note: Currently, the only available messenger option is Telegram. If you require another messaging platform, please inform us.


  1. Press the [+Add new] button in the dropdown menu:


  2. In the modal window that appears, fill in the following fields:


  3. In the opened window, click on [Send message].


  1. In your opened Telegram activate the bot with the /start command.

  2. Enter the command /newbot .

  3. Following the prompts of the bot, enter the name and username of a new bot.

    <aside> 📢 Important: The username must contain a particle bot at the end.


  4. Copy the HTTP API provided by the bot and paste it into the token field in Creatio.

