The actions streamline and automate dialogue processing.

You can set up a list of actions that will be available to the operator while processing the dialogue. For example, 'Issue an order', 'Register that case', or 'Notify the system user’.


To implement this:

  1. Go to the [Bots] section.
  2. Open the necessary entity.
  3. Scroll to the ‘Dialogue actions’ detail on the opened page.
  4. Add a new record by clicking the [+] button in the ‘Dialogue actions’ detail.
  5. Fill in the ’Name’ with the action title the operator sees when working with the dialogue.
  6. In the 'Process' field, select the appropriate process to trigger the desired action for the dialogue.
  7. Save performed settings.

<aside> 💡 Note: The business process is connected to the current dialogue via the incoming ChatId parameter that is passed to the process when running the dialogue action.

This parameter must be added to the chosen business process.
