To create a search tab, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the [System designer] → [System setup] section → [Client search settings].

    <aside> 💡 Note: The access to the section is controlled by the access rights to the [Can manage "Client search options" section] (CanManageTsiClientSearchOptionSection) system operation.



  2. Add a new record.

  3. In the opened window, fill up the report properties and click the [Save] button.

Снимок экрана 2022-06-20 в 18.14.21.png

As a result, a record will be created in the [Client search settings] section.

Search tab properties

Fill in the tab properties:

  1. Select the newly added record and click on the [Open] button.

  2. Fill in the search tab properties:


Setting up search fields in the tab

Add fields to contact search:

  1. Click the [+] button on the [Search fields] detail.

  2. Fill in the search fields:


  3. If needed, change the display order of search fields using buttons.


Setting up contact search depending on the settings

Add search options by which the object will be searched:

  1. Go to the [Filters] detail and add a filter parameter using the [+Add condition/By parameter] button. When this parameter is executed, certain filtering will be performed.