The [Report schedule] detail, which is located on the [Schedule] tab, saves the default rules for generating reports by time (an example of setting up a report by schedule is shown in the figure below).


Each rule is a separate scheduled report launch with the specified parameters.

Algorithm for creating scheduled reports:

  1. Create a scheduled report generation rule.

  2. Check the report generation in the specified folder after the scheduled time.

Report schedule generation rules editing page

  1. [Name]: the name of the rule.

  2. [Saving path]: the location on the server/computer where the report will be saved. The default value is in the [File saving path] system setting. The path to the directory is specified in the format \\\\Folder name, where ‘Folder name’ is the absolute path to the shared folder located on the same network as the application, for example: \\\\Dp-srmtst-01\\reports crm. It is possible to enter any values except for special characters - (*? "<> |). Restrictions are the same as when creating a file saving path with folder in Windows.

  3. [Day of week]: a lookup of the days of the week. The launch will occur every week on the specified day. It is used when the file is to be uploaded, for example, on Mondays.

  4. [Time]: the time when the report will be generated.

  5. [Trigger cron rule]: a rule for triggering report generation in cron format. A cron (Command Run On) is a system for automatically running commands at a given time. The cron expression is designed to be able to set the frequency and time of running commands in the scheduler. If there is a value, this rule has a higher priority than the values of the fields: [Day of week] and [Time]. The scheme for using the cron format is shown below:


    Any of the six fields can contain the symbol * (asterisk) as a value. This means the full range of possible values, such as every minute, every hour, and so on. Cron users can also use the ‘non-standard’ symbol – ?. It means the cron start time, that is, when processing the field, the sign will be replaced by the Cron start time: minutes - for the minutes field, hour for the hours field, day of the month for the days of the month field and month for the month field.

  6. [Description]: description of the rule.

  7. [File name]: if it is necessary to generate a file name for uploading that differs from the name specified in the ‘Code’ field on the main template settings page.

  8. [Show date in file name]: a flag that is responsible for adding the date of file formation to the name.

  9. [Date in file name layout]: is responsible for the location relative to the file name.

There are system settings to set up the display format:

  1. [Filter format with [Date] type]: system settings for the format of the generated report in the ‘Date’ format, for example dd.MM.yyyy, where dd - Day, MM - month, yyyy - year (01.01.2018).