To create the Facebook Messenger bot, follow these steps:
First of all, you will need a page on Facebook to communicate with your clients. To create a new page on Facebook, click on the [Create New Page] button. For it, you can go to this link.
If you already have it, you can skip this step.
Fill in the name of the page and choose the category of the enterprise's sphere of activity in the corresponding field. If necessary, you can add a company bio. Then click the [Create Page] button.
As a result, the page will be created, and you can add more information and a logo.
Open Meta for developers and create a new app. For it, press the [Create App] button.
If you already have it, you can skip this step.
Choose the ‘Other’ use case for your app.
Select a suitable app type.
Add an app name and app contact email. Choose a business account, if necessary, and click on the [Create App] button.
Add the Webhooks product to your app by clicking the [Set up] button.
Select the [Page] type and click on the [Subscribe to this object] button.
Go to M3 and get webhook. Copy link.
Fill in the [Callback URL] and the [Verify token] fields, and click on the [Verify and save] button.
📢 Attention: The [Verify token] field always should fill with the Banza
<aside> 💡 Note: You can always edit these parameters.
Subscribe to the ‘messages’ and the [messaging_postbacks] in the shown subscription list.
Add the Messenger product to your app by clicking the [Set up] button.
Go to the ‘Webhooks’ settings block and add a page.